Sunday, 13 February 2011

I Want To Be An Explorer.

Who knew that a trip to WH Smiths could invoke such feelings of liberty and freedom?

Yes that's right, today I went shopping. So what if I only bought a magazine, an ice tea and a mint bloody Aero, being in an alcove of consumerism made me feel alive once again. I even stood outside for about five seconds before the smell of tobacco emanating from the desperate smokers overwhelmed me. And before you take me for for one of those nutty anti-smoking agents of doom it's worth mentioning that I am in fact a smoker myself, though whether I still consider myself one is a bit up in the air right now. You'd think the smell would inspire feelings of joy and comfort but it actually made me feel a bit queasy. Bizarre. Is this the end of my smoking habit? Maybe I'll turn into one of those annoying social smokers who steals cigarettes from people because he just can't get over the association between drinking and smoking, yet won't commit to buying his own pack for the night. You know. That guy.

Anyway, I fear I'm veering off the point here. Yesterday I woke up needing to escape. I've been here a whole month and the place is quite frankly driving me bonkers. Yet until my chemo finishes, here I must remain. But today an on call doctor gave me the all clear to venture to B floor to check out the Smiths establishment, and just that mere fifteen minute adventure really made my day. Feeling the cold air and using my debit card changed things up more than you can imagine, and it's made me even more excited to be going home soon. Not long now people!

In other news, my hair is falling out at a rate of knots. So it goes. At the moment it's just thinning drastically but sooner or later I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and get it shaved again. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for these damned steroids puffing my cheeks out so much. My dosage it getting cut down tomorrow but I still fear I'm gonna wake up one morning looking like the elephant man. If I still had my shaggy locks then at least I could retain my boyish charm. Not to be. We move on. But if my hair hair grows back ginger and curly, then God officially has it in for young Ryan.

I hope your weeks have been prosperous and productive. I've been ebaying, and being absolute balls at it on the most part. Won a bid on a shirt today though, just a fiver as well. I could get horrendously addicted to this, you know. But hey, with all the weight I've lost, I could do with a new wardrobe.

That'll do. A quick thing before I go, please take some time to read this blog. Katie was diagnosed with ALL back in May and she's just started up a blog about her own experiences. It's a great read and she's showing magnificent courage, so I implore you all to get behind her!

Big love to you all.


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