Wednesday 29 June 2011

Step aside Rooney

...cause my hair is better than yours.

I woke up this morning to discover that - would you believe it - I have hair that I can style and everything. Not floppy or long or wavy, but it's still hair dammit. HAIR'S a picture to prove it hahahaha.

Sorry for the face. I would have used sepia shit cause that shit is dope as fuck.

Big prize to whoever gets that reference. Andrew Hill is exempt.

I should expect that I'll have this luxury of head gear for the next three weeks at least. But judging by the way things have been going lately it could be way longer. I'll fill you in on why that is in the next post, which will probably be tonight.

Big love,



  1. i have a suspicion that your hair loss is sod all to do with chemo, ryan. i think it's more to do with your raging abuse of hair dye in your formative years - this is god's way of telling you to embrace your natural colour once and for all.
    i know i know, pot, kettle, black... much love

  2. aha, interesting theory there. my hair is actually coming back far more blonde than brown at the moment though, god might actually be tempting me to resort back to my hair dye abuse? no matter anyway, the hair will be gone again come two weeks time. :(

    at least i know it definitely comes back though. as blond as it likes.

    hows tricks anyways? if you ever visit bucks after swanning about too much in manchester then make sure you swing by waddesdon! i might not be of full health but i'm sure i could afford a cheeky drink down the bell. we could discuss shakespeare, world affairs and hip hop.
