Tuesday 26 July 2011

Hair we go again.

It's been a bit of a struggle trying to sit myself down at my desk to get this blog entry down. In fact, just constructing that sentence I made three consecutive typos. Try and guess which words I cocked up. You'd be surprised.

In any case, I'm loaded on Codeine here so you know... try and hang with me on this one.

First off, sorry for the lull in updates. I've been very chipper, and therefore busy, so trying to catch the time to bust out some words has been tricky. I've actually had quite a thriving social life these past couple of weeks despite being jacked to the brim on various chemos, so I have to say I'm pretty pleased with that. As you'd imagine. I haven't gone skydiving or illegal raving or anything, but I've seen plenty of friendly faces and been out and about which is the best thing for me really. It's been absolutely exhausting, as I'll explain later, but being able to do things whilst under such pressure from treatment has really kept my spirits up. So far, so good for delayed intensive then, yes?

There was an unfortunate matter that had to be dealt with today however. And dear reader, I must say it has left me upset and beggared. For today. It was time. To face. THE CLIPPERS.

A sad face doesn't come anywhere near to conveying the sheer abhorrence I felt after going through with this. Don't get me wrong, my hair hadn't evolved to the growing locks I was used to before all this cancer business started up in January, but I still had a great deal on top that I could be proud of. And now I'm back to grade 1. It's July and my head is cold when I fetch the milk in the morning. It's just not cricket.

But fuck it. Hair. It grows back right?

It better. And spare me the jokes of 'it'll grow on you'.

So couple this with a day of being completely spent and it's been a tough one. But that's the price you pay for being such a social butterfly in times of trials and tribulations I suppose. I bought some chinos yesterday as well. Maybe God is punishing me for being such a fashion twat. More likely he's jealous. The chinos are dope.

This week I get a break from treatment which is swell. I've got Keri visiting me on Thursday so naturally I'm insisting she takes me for lunch. She's also promised me guava juice so I'm rather excited. One particular highlight of my hospital stay was when she rocked up to my ward with about six cartons of the stuff. Incredible scenes, they were.

As for the weekend? Not sure about plans, but Ellise will be here so it's sure to be great. Oh, and there's a new member of the family a-coming on Sunday. I'll give you more details next week, but it's all a bit bloody exciting!

Big love,

P.S. I thought I'd leave a quick shout to all my awesome Sheffield friends who graduated last week. I must admit it was hard to see the photos, as I felt I should have been there, but I'm proud for each and every one of you and I hope you all had a fantastic day and week. Now starts life, whilst I get to bum around for another year I guess.

Just remember guys, C.R.E.A.M.

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